Brignall Supplies Authentic Isuzu Engine Parts​


Brignall Equipment Solutions provides genuine parts for your Isuzu engine.

Brignall strongly recommends that you never replace parts on your Isuzu engine with anything other than authentic Isuzu parts for the following reasons:

  • Parts and filters have been designed by Isuzu engineers to maximize the performance of the engine.
  • Other products may not fit the exact specifications of your engine
  • Isuzu engines are tested with the proper parts and using other brands may impact the performance and longevity of your engine.

As an authorized Isuzu dealer, we are able to check the Isuzu Communication System which gives us the most accurate and up-to-date information on the parts inventory for Isuzu. We are also given priority technical support and around the clock availability to order from the distribution centre.

Isuzu Engine Parts